3.The CHIA kids and Volunteers

Due to generous donations, CHIA are able to offer children with disabilities daily access to education.  Also therapy treatment has been in place since 2013.  The floods have died down (for now!) so up to 10 children benefit from the lessons as well as amazing toys and musical instruments that are kindly donated from all over the world, and the progress reported by the teachers and  therapists is immense!
It's heartening to hear of so many stories of volunteers coming, they may have simply googled the internet to find charity work in Hoi An, or walked past and seen the sign.  Volunteers come as part of their holiday, career or educational placements, also ex-pats, offering vital skills from teaching, therapies, finance, IT, even handy-work, and can be long-term or just an afternoon. It's all invaluable for the kids who otherwise would have none at home as there is no social welfare or official support.
Here are pics of these happy kids with Nicole an occupational therapist, and Peter a retired teacher, both volunteers from Australia.  Oh and me from England.
PS Note to self, tempting as it is I must not take a kid home!


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